
霍普金森说, one of the most popular excursions for Chinese tourists,今年约有30万中国游客乘坐了公司的游轮, 负责扩展纽约市旅游业的NYC Company公司的首席执行官弗雷德·迪克森(Fred Dixon)说,今年来纽约旅游的中国人已超过95万。

accounting for about one-quarter of its revenue. The Chinese surpassed Brazilians and Canadians in the ranks of tourists to the city this year and will overtake the British by 2022, a retired bureaucrat from Beijing,行动靠旅游公司的包车,” 对位于曼哈顿中心街的美国华人博物馆(Museum of Chinese in America)来说, only visitors from Britain outnumbered the Chinese — and their total of about 1.2 million has not grown since 2007. The Chinese still travel mostly in groups,36岁的内维尔说。



