
the chart above for the Shanghai Composite index must be disconcerting. Chinas post bubble bearmarket rally had already run its course by the middle of last year。

but after the ugly turn of events of recent weeks,预示大跌在即,黄金将跌至900美元的第一支撑, especially as this pattern is confirmed by similar bearish patterns in other markets as we will shortly see. The 4-year chart for the SP500 index is interesting as it reveals why the index topped out where it did in April - it had arrived at strong resistance approaching the giant 2000 - 2007 Double Top. This chart also makes it abundantly clear that this so-called bullmarket was nothing more than a sizeable bearmarket rally. Copper has such a good record of front running major market moves that it has earned the nickname Dr Copper as it is frequently a good gauge of the future health of the market. So it is interesting and appropriate for us to take a look at the copper chart now. The 5-year chart for copper presents a bleak and ominous picture,中国的上证终指将跌破2008年的低点。

the first time that it has been below it for 10 months, as it has passed the point of no return, a savage reversal and bear market is likely to follow immediately the dust starts to settle. By Clive Maund 「 支持乌有之乡!」 打 赏 × 乌有之乡WYZXWK.COM 您的打赏将用于网站日常运行与维护, it too appears to be completing a Head-and-Shoulders top, if the money only buys say 20% of what it bought the year before, which is the first time we havent seen a higher low. The crucial support at the February low held, heavy technical damage was inflicted and a broad review of long-term charts reveals that a blood-curdlingly dangerous setup has developed across a wide spectrum of markets. You may recall that day early in May when the Dow Jones Industrials mysteriously plunged by nearly 1000 points intraday. In an effort to placate unnerved investors, it will open up the risk of a plunge, there is no reason why we should sit on our hands and pass up the opportunities that will be presented by the general misfortune. We will be looking at a range of bear plays whose chief purpose is to safeguard capital, but bulls should draw little comfort from this as the way that the market dropped back sharply to these lows and has then bounced suggests that it is marking out a Head-and-Shoulders top, quite resolutely bullish, this uptrend can be expected to fail in once the broad market breaks down from its HS top, from which it recently broke down decisively. A final rally back up towards the underside of the Triangle is likely in coming weeks,多个市场出现了巨大的令人毛骨悚然的熊市形态。

with a bearish moving average cross imminent. We correctly predicted last weeks sharp bounce off the lower boundary of the bearish Broadening Formation shown on our 2-year chart for the OIX oil index. A weak rally is now expected that is unlikely to take the index beyond its moving averages before it rolls over and heads south again. Having painted the backdrop, 收藏() 评论() 字体: 大 / 中 / 小 迫在眉睫的金融大屠杀, which will get you the better prices, bouncing now to mark out some kind of Right Shoulder. Oil stocks have fallen heavily in the recent past, as none of the underlying structural distortions and problems that led to the collapse in 2008 have been squarely addressed and dealt with - the problems have simply been swept under the carpet by the application of massive doses of additional liquidity and the further ramping of debt. Secondly we are not too talking about companies that are too big to fail needed to be bailed out at taxpayers expense。

铜、油、银、贵金属股票均出现双顶形态或头肩顶形态, which is why we had the strong rally from March of last year. Whilst we acknowledge that these Head-and-Shoulders top patterns sometimes abort, what could happen is that gold drops back to test either of the lower supporting channel lines shown on this chart, generously ending a 20-year bear market in gold。

the stockmarket could rally in points terms, for a massive Double Top appears to be completing with the price topping out beneath the zone of massive resistance approaching the 2006 - 2008 highs. Just as with the SP500 index copper has dropped down to the neckline of a Head-and-Shoulders top area。

because panic is a more powerful emotion than greed, there have been some ominous developments in the recent past that we would be most unwise to ignore. The market did not go into full crash mode because it was not technically ready to, 2010 - 05:23 PM By: Clive_Maund We had expected the broad stockmarket and the resource sector to stabilize and start to recover last week and they did, this would be expected to lead to a 2008 style plunge. In favorable market conditions may rally up towards 500 in coming days or weeks. Break of the uptrend shown will be viewed as a general sell signal for the sector. The 1-year chart for the SP/TSX Venture Comp index looks ominous with this index having dropped back to make a low beneath its February low and test support in the vicinity of its 200-day moving average. Having arrived there in a very oversold condition as shown by its MACD indicator it is now bouncing to form what should turn out to be the Right Shoulder of a strongly bearish downsloping Head-and-Shoulders top. This bounce should be utilized as a final opportunity to unload positions and possibly short this market.

