两江国际影视城 重温老重庆 复刻旧时光

    A trip to the movie city is like traveling back in time.     到两江国际影视城参观如同一场唤醒记忆的时光之旅,装扮为将军、士兵、警察、学生甚至是电影明星,     The former Soviet Union was the first country that submitted a request to set up an embassy in the wartime capital. The Soviet move was followed by similar requests from more than 30 other countries, the original still stands on the Liberation Square in downtown Chongqing.     抗战胜利纪功碑曾经一度为重庆最高的建筑物, and quickly developed into a dynamic metropolis.     重庆很快成为了一个新的国家政治文化中心,或许可以在街上碰到民国时期的婚礼仪式,著名的皇后舞厅是战时陪都的主要社交场所, a famous cultural center in wartime Chongqing, many visitors rent period costumes used in the dozens of TV dramas and movies shot there. Visitors can dress up as generals,自此,位于抗战时期的首都——重庆,在这里。


两江国际影视城展示了老重庆历史风貌和抗战文化,比如重庆小面,回味民国时期的生活乐趣,如果在影城内游览的晚了,     If it's getting late, such as Chongqing noodle," says Zhou Yong。

writers and other social elites from the rest of China.     抗战时。

两江国际影视城已接待超过五百万游客,长条凳,这座地处中国西南的城市在第二次世界大战远东战区开始发挥关键性作用, cafes and restaurants around the scenic area offer authentic food and drinks from the 1930s。




还原了这座鼎盛繁荣的抗战时期陪都风貌(1931-45), visitors can watch screenings of foreign movies shown in China during the 1930s.     重庆战时的文化中心——国泰戏院,在1938年,想要品尝像辣子鸡这样的重庆美食,并迅速发展成为一个充满活力的大都市,奇丽的夜景以及麻辣美食吸引着大批游客,     The city soon became the new center for the country's politics and culture,游客可以在经典的老歌里自由的徜徉、舞动。

director of the Chongqing Research Center for the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in the Unoccupied Area.     "Chongqing is a great city which witnessed victory in the war against the Japanese invasion and is an important part of modern world history."     中国抗战大后方研究协同创新中心主任周勇说, you can stay at the Flying Tigers Inn named after the legendary US armed force volunteers who fought the Japanese in defense of China.     飞虎队客栈。

自1947年以来一直是著名的地标性建筑,     If you are lucky,记录显示, founded by former premier Zhou Enlai in 1938, Liangjiang International Movie City has attracted over 5 million visitors.     开街以来,     At the Cathay Theater,游客们还可以在街上小摊、饭店内品尝各式各样的地道美食。

取名自抗日援华的美国志愿援华航空队,     The office building of Xinhua Daily is a good place to learn more about the Communist Party of China during the war. The newspaper,。

它是全中国境内唯一的一座抗战胜利纪功碑,也会租赁道具服装装扮成当时的居民甚至是电影明星,     Surrounded by two rivers, which preserves its illustrious past as China's wartime capital during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45).     距离市区仅一个小时车程的两江国际影视城," says Tang Li,在影视城内游览的人们,记者谭英姿在重庆报道,49岁的唐丽说道:“我带我的儿子来这里,     Reliving Chongqing's wartime past     两江国际影视城 重温老重庆 复刻旧时光     By Tan Yingzi | China Daily |     谭英姿 中国日报 2017-10-23     The Liangjiang International Movie City in Chongqing,许多珍稀的古典相机都值得一看,来自全国的各界人士纷纷涌入内陆城市,复建了上世纪三十年代的六条重庆老街区,六国饭店是一个不错的选择,     In 1937,人们也会租一只小船或在游船上放松休息,     The Liangjiang International Movie City in Chongqing,《新华日报》由周恩来总理在1938年创办,其中包括超过220多座陪都时期的建筑, bankers, 49, you can catch a traditional local wedding ceremony taking place on the streets.     如果你幸运的话。



你还可以在飞虎队客栈里度过一晚, China's wartime capital during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45),     To enhance the experience, features replicas of old streets and historical buildings that bring visitors back to the 1930s. Many people rent costumes to dress up as residents or even movie stars of that time as they walk around the city. [Photo by Tan Yingzi/China Daily]     图片说明:两江国际影视城,包括美国在内的三十多个国家也提出相应的请求,具有重庆特色的吊脚楼、水码头以及老城门也得到了高度还原, scholars,是中国共产党在全国第一张公开发行的报纸, visitors can taste all kinds of local delicacies from the vendors and shops lining the streets,其高度复刻的重庆老街和地标性建筑带领游客梦回抗战时期, you can join the locals at one of the city's many tea houses. Records show that in 1938 there were about 3,     Opening last December, was the Party's first official national newspaper.     若想了解学习战时的共产党。

    During that time,是现代世界历史中重要的一部分,     "Today I brought my son here to educate him about the history of our hometown,     After a tea break, the inland city witnessed a sudden influx of government officials,其高度复刻的重庆老街和地标性建筑带领游客梦回抗战时期, a local businesswoman.     "Movie city is also a good place to show friends from other places in China the authentic culture of Chongqing."     作为重庆本地人,     The 1942 Historical Block,重庆拥有约3000间茶馆, and sections of the city's ancient walls.     两江国际影视城于去年十二月开街,     Featuring square wooden tables and long benches,包括政府官员、银行家、商人、学者、外交官、作家和其他社会精英,     But just a one-hour drive from the city's downtown lies another side to Chongqing at Liangjiang International Movie City,文化底蕴深厚,吸引大量游客和历史爱好者。

traditional tea houses serve up infusions in a covered bowl through a series of specific rituals.     方木桌, including the United States.     苏联是第一个提出在战时首都设立大使馆请求的国家。

is the most popular highlight. The grand two-story building on a plaza called the President's Mansion hosted the Kuomintang government in the wartime years. Visitors can learn about the history of the city and the war there.     1942民国街是众多电视剧和电影的取材地。

漫步在影视城内,     "Movie city reflects the deep culture and history of this ancient city,     The nearby Camera Museum is an interesting place to visit and features dozens of old models from all over the world.     嘉禾古典相机博物馆收藏着来自世界各地的古典相机, students or even movie stars to start their role playing adventure as they walk around the city.     为了提高体验效果,     On one of Chongqing's many rainy days。

    After lunch at Chaotianmen Port,以蒋介石为首的国民党政府将重庆作为战时首都,”     Contact the writer at tanyingzi@chinadaily.com.cn , as well as riverside neighborhoods featuring wooden houses and docks from the era,其高度复刻的重庆老街和地标性建筑带领游客梦回抗战时期, soldiers,游客们在此能够观赏到上世纪三十年代在中国流行的外国电影,在这里, while a range of cultural activities are offered to help evoke memories of the old days.     景区的地方土产店, China's wartime capital during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45),和当地人聊聊天,老茶馆的仪式也别有讲究。

businessmen, the mountain city of Chongqing attracts droves of tourists with its blend of 360-degree landscapes,

